FOR YOU! Free Sunglasses and Lip Gloss Give Away!


Photography skillz are overrated.

UPDATE: All prizes have been claimed! So like… sorry, everyone else. Still send me emails, tho. I will respond because I am trying to avoid doing work. ❤

Hello hello hello hello hello hi. My lovelies- did you think I was neglecting you? WordPress definitely did. It’s been so long between posts that when I just clicked on the little icon thingy on my internet toolbar whatchamacallit, WordPress didn’t even automatically log me in! (Hashtag 21st century problems) Which I thought was pretty rude since I just had to pay actually money to them to renew my domain name.

DO YOU KNOW WHY!?!? Because today is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THIS SITE! It is all very exciting. Shall we name all of the exciting things that are happening as a result of this anniversary!? I think we shall! And since I have been dictator of this blog for a whole year now, you are powerless to stop me. Let’s shall:

1. MOST IMPORTANT: I AM HAVING A FREE GIVE AWAY AND YOU CAN WIN PRIZES. LIKE ACTUAL PRIZES. REAL LIFE PRIZES. PRIZES! Guys. Want some sunglasses and lip gloss? They are brand new and from Stylemint and I got them from my work because my job is better than yours. Anyway, I am giving away two pairs of glasses and a lip gloss to the first three of my 12 readers (kidding, there’s more than that #humblebrag) to email me at to beg for them! Is this illegal? No, right? Because the glasses are technically mine and I am just sending them to a friend as a gift? ….. Free pair of sunglasses to the first lawyer to email me and tell me this is okay.

2. I REPEAT: FREE SUNGLASSES. If you wanted to write a little note to me in your email about how pretty I am, there’s a chance I throw in some loose change or whatever jewelry I can steal from my roommate. If you are a dude, you can give these prizes to a lady in your life. Or use them yourself. No judgement.

3. Another exciting thing: my hilar friend Katie will be guest posting a lot more this year. You might remember her awesome post about the Star Trek nope, Star WARS ice mold last year. I decided that because she is way better at knowing cool dude stuff than me, that she will now have her own “Dudes Corner” (temporary title…) where she will give you ideas about stuff for men that is not Back Rub Coupons- because usually that is all I can think of because guys are hard to understand and because why don’t they just like home decor presents as much as me? Anyway, she doesn’t know it yet, but she’s super excited to be joining the team. She’s finding out AS WE SPEAK because all I told her was that there is a paragraph in today’s post about her. Everyone welcome Katie! Yay Katie! She’s great.

4. I already have a lot of great new posts lined up for the next few weeks, so YOU’RE WELCOME.

5. We are done talking about my break up because I have now moved into the dating lots of dudes from bars/ eating my feelings stage of my life. Happier days!

6. MORE GIVEAWAYS. If this one goes well and I don’t go to jail, we’ll do lots more all year.

In conclusion, thanks for sometimes wasting a few minutes on this site. You are the reason I didn’t become a slobbering, cheese-devouring recluse during all of my hard times. And the excuse I use for doing my favorite thing: reading the whole internet “researching” all day during my good times.

Please keep reading. Be my best friend. I love you.



For Your Boyfriend- Boomphones

Do not wear to the gym. Please.

When I’m not reading the entire Internet or pinning a million dip recipes, I pay my bills by working as an associate casting producer in LA. It sounds glamorous, but mostly I spend a lot of time dealing with paperwork and flaky extras. Anyway, yesterday, our editor showed the office these awesome headphones. They are super high quality normal headphones, but when you press a certain button- BAM! Whatever you were listening to is played through the speakers on the outside. Now you can easily share your 90s Pop Christmas Pandora station with the entire office whenever a particularly choice song comes on (N*Sync’s Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays anyone?). Great for your boyfriend, or anyone in your life who spends most of their time staring at a screen with their earbuds in.