For Your Yuppie White Friends- A Buncha Stuff

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Hello pretties! Well, since K has decided that the holidays are a perfect time to take a hiatus from her BLOG ABOUT GIFTS (seriously, K?), I decided to fill a bit of this gap with a general post about gift ideas for the holidays. After the many years I spent in Berkeley, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York, I have become a fucking expert on what yuppie white people like. And despite their tendancy to drive you crazy, you may have some YWPs in your life that you need to buy gifts for.

So, without further ado, here is my Gifts Yuppie White People Will Like holiday list! Please buy any and all of the things on this list for the YWPs you love, and I promise they will be as happy as they are on free yoga day at Lulu Lemon. Happy hunting!

A collection of yankee candles
A juice cleanse
Anything DIY (preferably something that costs more than what its replicating)
Green tea that has no english on the package (it’s more healthy that way)
A North Face fleece
Anything pumpkin flavored
Something made out of distressed wood
A single-gear bike
Rock climbing passes
A cookbook by a famous chef (complete with recipes that they will never try)
Clothing for dogs
Beer that comes from a microbrewery
Things with moustaches drawn on them
Cultural appropriation
Lastly, a gift that comes in a mason jar (literally anything)

Hope this was helpful. Although cultural appropriation may be hard to put in a box (or maybe not so hard), honestly, I know lots of people who would be fucking amped to recieve some of the gifts on there (rock climbing passes – for real, it’s this year’s Zumba).

Happy Holidays!


For Your Nieces and Nephews- Customized Coloring Books


Honestly, I keep trying to post something and then I just keep accidentally napping. Even right now. I just opened the page and then fell the tiniest bit asleep at my desk. Which is ridiculous! Because I have had 18 million cups of tea and a Super Jittery Hipster Juice from the smoothie shop down the street today. Maybe I have an illness. Can you catch mono from watching other people make out on Scandal?

But I shall push through! This gift comes courtesy of my mom, who is the most avid Pinterest user the world has ever seen. Which is great because she created a board called “Things For Other People” where she posts ideas for me so that I don’t have to look anything up. She’s basically my research assistant. But it’s also not great because she has another board called “Things for Hannah” where she posts stuff she wants to buy for my litter sister. I found this to be incredibly rude because

1) buy ME things, mom! and,

2) I was forced to go on her Pinterest, create a board for myself, and start pinning to it for her. Boom.

Anyway, while watching Colbert/repinning recipes last week, she found this awesome gift idea and I am 100% stealing it. #sorrynotsorry

Stumped about what to get for the weird kids in your life? You could get them whatever lego monstrosity Toy R Us has on special or some sort of giant-headed, tiny-bodied doll that will cause everyone to have body dysmorphia (but whatever let’s wear makeup and be pop star princesses!), OR you could get them something way more awesome. And less creepy.

This website turns your photos into coloring book pages! Sweet, right? (OK, but still kind of creepy.) You can basically send in a photo of whatever you want (family members, cute animals, Veronica Mars, Colin Firth, a rendering of you being best friends with Veronica Mars while making out with Colin Firth), and they’ll send back a black-and-white, color-in-able page!

I suggest having a bunch made and then putting them together in a book so the kids can do a few at a time whenever their parents are tired of being around them. Some ideas for photos that will go over really well:

– One Direction, probably? I dunno.

End of list. Figure it out. Kids like action heroes and cuddly kittens. Done.

(Apparently I’ve hit the big time and WordPress is now putting huge video ads in my posts. Am I supposed to get paid for that? Because I’m not.)