DUDES’ CORNER! Star Wars Cufflinks

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Duh da da daaaaaa! It’s time, once again, for everyone’s favorite segment: the PERFECTLY NAMED Dudes’ Corner! Katie finally got her shiz together and wrote a post about what to get the gross men in your life! Which is good, because I have been far too busy looking up Shane West gifs and grating cheese straight into my mouth.

Once again, Katie proves she is the giantest of giant nerds by bringing us another Star Wars prezzie. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, since we DID spend like 45 minutes talking about the proper usage of semi-colons last time I saw her; Anyway; enjoy the post. I have to go buy underwear because I’m too lazy to do laundry. ;


MERRY CHRISTMAS KIDS!  Or happy holidays, I guess.  We can be PC here.  But really it’s also November and I’d like Starbucks to chill out with the holiday cups this early in the game, ifyadontmind.

Guys.  I have to say, this whole “thinking of widely applicable gift ideas” thing is kind of hard.  I managed to have one in the chamber and ready to go for my first post, but then the days dragged on and my mind was all “go shopping and buy yourself clothes because gifts for you are more important than things for other people** and you have plenty of time,” but then K was all “dude write me another guest post” and everything got awful.

Just kiddingggg it’s present time!  With the holidays rapidly (ish) approaching, the pressure is on to avoid gifting Brookstone LED-light keychains to everyone in your family.

As someone who works in corporate Ughmerica, I can attest to the fact that getting creative with your wardrobe can be a little difficult – the “appropriate cleavage” line is harder to navigate than LA at 3:30 on a weekday.  Luckily for men, they (1) don’t have to worry about their sweater puppies and (2) can usually get away with a little fun in the cufflinks department.  These Star Wars cufflinks are the perfect gift for a fellow nerd and most of them are nice/subtle enough to not look tacky!  I just gifted a pair of the star destroyers last week and they went over very well.

And in other news I passed the bar which I guess makes me a real adult/lawyer person or something.  So all of YOU should be sending ME gifts (maybe a giant lego deathstar for my office? kaythanks!).

General holiday gift advice:  I only have one big no-no dude gift for this year and that’s whiskey stones.  I feel like every dude in the world got whiskey stones last year for Christmas (spoiler: they got them from me – sometimes I need something easy okay?).  What they don’t tell you about whiskey stones is that they look super gross when they get wet and just don’t keep your booze cold enough.  They just can’t.  They’re not ice.  I’M SORRY.

Good luck out there, my sparkling baby reindeers!


**THAT’S THE NAME OF THE BLOG!  DID YOU CATCH THAT?   It’s like in movies when Jack Nicholson is all “What if this is as good as it gets?” and the entire audience cringes.


Miss You

[UPDATE!!!!!!! I turned my affinity for Dule Hill gifs into a post for one of my jobs. AND THEN DULE RETWEETED IT AND POSTED IT ON HIS FACEBOOK. I died. Love you Dule!]

Ah, my neglected BFFs. Will be back soon with more, but for now- I just learned how to put gifs into posts! (hint: it is literally EXACTLY the same as putting in photos.) Boom.







For Your Boyfriend (But Really for You)- Odor Suppressing Underwear

This whole post is just an excuse to search for, stare at, and present to you this photo. You're welcome.

This whole post is just an excuse to search for, stare at, and present to you this photo. You’re welcome.

As every brilliant professional blogger knows, the best thing to do right after having your busiest day of web traffic ever is to not post anything for 10 days because you are too lazy.

Apparently even that could not deter you all from stopping by to read weeks-old posts about shelving units. This must be what it feels like to be Regina George! I was bragging all about it to my sister just now and she goes, “you know your traffic’s just going up because it’s Christmas and everyone is googling ‘gifts,’ right?”

UGH RUDE. Fine. So you want holiday gift ideas? I can do that. I mean, it IS November 3rd so like maybe you should all just slow your roll (rolls?) and enjoy November for a while. No?

OK. Then how about some fart suppressing underwear? Merry Christmas!

I just had to got to write about these at my day job, and let me tell you- you can spend HOURS trying to come up with delicate, lady-friendly ways to say fart. But eventually you just give up because YOU HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE.

Anyway, these things’ll supposedly keep all your gross flatulence/gas/downstairs-burps/upside-down-butt-whispers/i-dont-know-lets-just-say-fart-again inside the SUPER “ZORFLEX” AMAZE-A-TRON CLOTH (because we officially live in the future and I am Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century).

Now you will no longer bother the people around you with your disgusting self! Ta da!

(side note: growing up, my sister used to call farting “fuffering” and that is now the only way my entire family will refer to it. I also once caught her standing behind the Christmas tree counting her “farty babies” as she fuffered back there for like an hour. #princesses #blessed)

Let’s choose not to think about what happens when you take them off to wash them because I am trying to eat breakfast and I just cannot.

Do us all a favor, and give these to everyone you know. You’re welcome.